Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I have had the priveledge to write articles for an incredible website. Will Crockett is both a great shooter and teacher based out of Chicago.

A few years ago, he launched a brick and morter school called which led to the website. The site has grown to 70,000 unique visitors EACH WEEK. Quite a feat in this economy. Last March Will asked me to write a series of columns, officially called smARTICLES for the site. I am in pretty good company, in fact I am in GREAT company writing smARTICLES with the like of Suzzette Allen, the PhotoShop Guru.

My smARTICLES are more business oriented and can relate to almost any business.
Check them out at

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Jewish News Event

Had a great opportunity to photograph head shots at an event for The Detroit Jewish News last week. Over 200 advertisers attended and had an opportunity to have their Head Shot taken for use on Press Releases, Business Cards, FaceBook or any other thing they can think of.

Thanks to Melissa Litvin and Bob Sklar for allowing me to help them out.

PS. If you want to advertise in the Jewish News, contact Melissa.